After understanding the importance of this little word, it took me still long enough to define my “why”. It is a very personal thing; we are all individuals, having our own and unique motivations to move forward. We all have our own past and absolutely individual dreams and visions.
Importantly, my “why” can change from time to time. When I feel several losses of “flow” in my daily actions, I’ll go back and first check my “why” again. Many things are fluctuated in my mind, whereas my “what” and my “how” are results of my “why”. If my “why” as center value is not clear, the rest will not work out properly.
Every person thinks about a “why” that can completely cover their queries of life. If I ask a question to myself where I could find my “how” that mostly comes in the affirmative. In case, I’ll consider the fact that my “why” is strong, it turns out all my goal, which is not visible behind a long list of other priorities.
I was familiar with the situation, constantly doing something, without having any idea “why”. I spent a lot of time thinking about myself. It took time to find the motives hidden behind my “why”.
Therefore, we are making important decisions, but rarely think about the motives behavior. When I stopped and looked at life in order to find my “how” or “how things happen”, I wasted my time. The most effective way for me was to find and to strengthen my “why”. This finally lead to a feasible “how”.
“How” and “Why” are Two Basic Facts
In recent years, I faced difficulties to achieve my “How”. I set a goal — for example, to learn something new or to work something new. To achieve this goal, I planned to apply the usual approach. But until now, the installation of reminders, pure willpower, or the help of friends did not work for me. That was, when I understood that all the matter has to be solved by me myself internally.
So I stopped and asked myself: “What is wrong with me? Why can’t I find a “How”?” After some self-blame, the question began to sound different and I felt that it seems better to find a “why”. Other daily tasks will always be ahead of the new goal if my “why” is not strong enough to shine out. To find the way, to achieve my “how”, I had to allocate my “why”.
For me, I outlined four points that showed up beneficial to strong my “why”:
1. I Bring the Attitude to Achieve My “Why”
I just needed to know the answer that “why” a goal is important? “Why” do I want to change something in my life? If the answer is not convincing, it is likely I will abandon my goal. No one sacrifices much for the sake of realizing a “why” that seems not of great value. In order to maintain the desired attitude, it helped a lot to read and get in contact with people who had similar questions and interests.
In my case, I did no longer need reminders, since my “why” became essential part of my life. Personally, I realized that my attitude before wasn’t me. I acted as an ordinary corporate person. I got up, went to work and returned home without being aware what I was doing in each and every moment. Changing this attitude significantly, was improving various areas of my life. From there on, my “why” shined up and I was strengthening it every day.
2. My Habit Should be the Main
Previously, my day was extremely unorganized. I jumped out of bed 20 minutes before going to work, stretched my clothes and headed for the door. I totally forgot to think about a “why” because I needed to focus on the “how” of my daily routine. Lost in thoughts, like “why all things happen to me”, “why does this or that not work”, etc..
Not surprisingly, I set my goals were set aside. In such a mess, it was impossible to find time for finding or keeping my “why”, I just kept my goal in mind, reminding me, that it should be the main.
An effective way to turn a goal into a habit, is to plan everything. But surely in my current daily routine, there was no place for a new “how”, and it would never have becoming a priority. In other words, I needed to optimize my time, in order to get involved in my “why”, letting it create the “how”.
3. I Learn My “Why” Thoroughly:
It was extremely useful, constantly learning something new about the chosen goal, refining my “why” simultaniously. Such awareness was helping to strengthen my confidence level as well as it was beneficial to understand and underline my “why”. Most time, I stuck in “how” rather than focusing on “why”, as mentioned above.
In the meanwhile, reading books, watching documentaries and talking with likeminded friends seemed the most efficient and entertaining way to define my “why” better. Success in any undertaking comes from the fact that it becomes a priority, as a simple desire is not enough. To change life with a strong “why”, I needed to make a effort consciously.
4. I Constantly Analyze on My “Why”
It was not easy, but it was compensated by the joy result as I went to find my “why”. I don’t say that it is necessary to refuse reminders and other traditional methods, but I should not rely on them entirely. The new “why” should be a familiar part of my life, even “be” my life. It has to turn into a passion that I will think about my “why” rather than the “how”. As I said before, it took a conscious effort for me to reach the goal of being deeply aware of my “why”.
My plans will be effective only if I regularly analyze my “why”. The best habit is an evening analysis of what happened to me whenever I find a “how”. The best tool for this is a personal diary. All successful people make extensive use of it.
With the help of a diary and regular analysis, I could see that I will become successful and I was reaching my “why”. As rather than focusing “how” make plans that directly reach to “why”. With the records I easier saw my mistakes and I could see what knowledge was still required. All this is a real experience, which allows to more precisely set goals for finding the way to “How”. I think that 40% of effort required that directly reaches to my “How”, depends on if I make analysis of my decisions and actions.
Things Change When My Why is Strong
I think that It is necessary to focus on my “why” and achieve a clean, convincing image of the desired goal. And I frequently need a break to know more about my “why”. Whenever I think about some facts related to my “why”, thus many factors come into my mind, and I lost the target of achieving my “How”.
If I can’t see my “why” crystal-clear, then I have missed some hidden facts, that I might not have focused on, before.
The more I thought about “what”, I became more sensible and the chance was increasing of finding a “How”.
The energy is always moving in the direction where I am focused on. So for me it was better to focus on my “why”, and so, indirectly I got my “How”.
I have learned that focusing and creating the image convincing was helping me to create a vision that pulled towards finding the right access to my “How”.
Make the vision so it could be better to reach my goal and create a better convincing power that thoroughly changes my “How”. The quality of life will improve only when I am passionate about my “what”. When I honest with myself while focusing on goals, thus I will get the energy that is indirectly driving me to do something better. A focused person can achieve the How because he dreams about “what” and “why”,
Is it Possible to Find My How in a shortage of time?
We all have dreams and goals, though maybe these are few. This is because we tune in to certain limitations that hold us back. These self-made restrictions can take away various forms to “How”.
When I reached to find my “why”, I felt resistant. Many people all over the world cannot overcome themselves when they reach to “How”.
Therefore, it was important for me to learn a way to overcome the established limits of my capabilities and target myselve to more. This skill allowed me to implement a number of ideas that I previously had not included in my list of affairs.
I mastered the art of how I focus on my goals. I suggest trying a magical way of concentrating on goals and achievements. Three minutes a day, and I will see “how” concentration it works on one thought, what results it gives.
I Learn Some Skills to Control My “Why”
My mind is capable of any thought. It is the greatest weapon in my personal arsenals. It helps me to achieve all that I want. Many, faced with some difficulties while getting their “why”. Therefore, I might face inevitable losses. The first thought that comes to my mind is to give up and don’t reach my “How”. To achieve my goals, I simply need to overcome the desire of what and why that seems to surrender to all our around.
In the quote “My Why is strong! I will find the How!”, I clearly know that it is more important to focus on “why”, to manage my goals. It is important to know that where there are flaws, there are limitations. Each of us has our strengths and weaknesses.
To achieve this, I have chosen an example to follow. I choose somebody whose stamina and assertiveness I admire. This can be a movie star, it could be my parents or a mentor. I observe how they manage to overcome thinking about their “How”. Visualizing by doing the same thing every time I run into difficulties and feel that why I give up.
I was training myself, so to be more optimistic and ultimately became strong enough to overcome the burden of “how” to achieve my goal.
The fundamental activity required to overcome the limits and learn how to solve more complex “why” than “what”, was for me to overcome the limits of my mind.
This causes stagnation and ultimately despair. Therefore, I accept the challenge that I can find my “How”. It comes with enthusiasm, solve problems that are more extensive, more complex and more difficult. This will help to feel confident and comfortable, even being outside the comfort zone, it will bring closer to my dreams.
I Establish Clarity in My “Why”
If I define goal related to “why”, thus the way to achieve is still unclear. If my fear is great, I can easily give up to my passionate dreams and I may continue to pursue more familiar things.
It is extremely important for me to have the exact direction how to reach my goals, but I don’t see the whole path that clearly is showing my “How”. All I need is to clearly represent the next step or a couple of steps. To do this, I simply needed to maintain clarity in my “why”, what always gave me the confidence in my “how”.
I also needed the tools to accomplish first my desire though. A strict schedule is necessary for success. Last but not least, I needed a support system that was helping to focus on finding my “why”, so I was easily lead to my “How”.
Therefore, I worked on the creation of a clear action plan, always for the next step and then I was monitoring it. This helped me gradually to overcome the limits of my capabilities and achieve the goal of “How”.
Indeed, my “how” fluctuated time to time. I did not take it seriously, as it was better to focus on my “why”. The first step was to strongly build my “why” as I really wanted to achieve my goal. I simply kept in mind, “why” must be powerful, so I will always get toward my “how” in the right manner.
If I am currently enJoying and am satisfied with my work, thus I will be able to accept my “why” the discomfort feels in the process of knowing the unknown facts. Sometimes it turns out that all my need to overcome my “how” opportunities and keep moving towards the way of finding my “why”.